
User Guide IndexAn Overview of SawmillReportsFiltersUnderstanding the Reports

The Reports present log file statistics in an attractive and easily navigable graphical format and comprise of the following components (for a clickable screenshot see the Report Interface):

The Report Header

The header of the Reports page is a bar containing the following:

  • Profiles A link to the Admin Screen, a list of all your profiles

  • Logout link A link to log out of Sawmill

The Report Toolbar

Below the header is a bar which contains the following:

  • The Calendar Click this to open the Calendar window, where you can select a single day, month, or year to use as the date/time filter. When you have selected an item in the Calendar, all reports will show only information from that time period, until the date/time filter is removed (by clicking "Show All" in the Calendar).

  • The Date Picker Click this to open the Date Range window, where you can select a range of days to use as the date/time filter. When you have selected a range in the Date Range, all reports will show only information from that time period, until the date/time filter is removed (by clicking "Show All" in the Calendar).

  • Filters Click this to open the Global Filter window, where you can create filters for any fields, in any combination. Filters created here dynamically affect all reports; once you have set a Global Filter, all reports will show only information for that section of the data. Global Filters remain in effect until you remove them in the Global Filter window or by unchecking and refreshing the reports filter checkbox in the upper right hand corner.

The Report Menu

Below the Reports Tool Bar and to the left of the main window is the Reports Menu, which lets you select the report to view. Clicking a Report Group will expand or collapse that group; clicking a report view will change the report display to show that one. Clicking a report view will remove any Zoom Filters, but will not remove Global Filters or Date/Time Filters.

The Report Menu includes the following Report Views:

The Report

The main portion of the window (lower right) is occupied by the report itself. This is a view of the data selected by the filters (Global Filters, Date/Time Filters, and Zoom Filters). This provides one breakdown of the data specified by the filters -- you can select another report in the Reports Menu (see above) to break down the same data in a different way.

There are several parts of the report:

The Report Bar

At the top of the report is a bar containing the report label and the current global, date/time or zoom filters, if any.

The Report Graph

For some reports, there will be a graph above the table. The existence of this graph, its size, type (e.g. pie chart or bar or line), and other characteristics, varies from report to report, and can be changed by the Sawmill Administrator. The graph displays the same information as the table below it.

The Report Table

The Report Table contains the main information of the report. It displays one row per item, with the aggregated numerical values (e.g. sum of hits/page views etc) in columns next to it. It may also include columns showing a graph or a percentage (of the total traffic).

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