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Sawmill has plug-ins to support the following log formats:


Sawmill is a BSD tcpdump (-tt) log analyzer (it also supports the 1021 other log formats listed to the left). It can process log files in BSD tcpdump (-tt) format, and generate dynamic statistics from them, analyzing and reporting events. Sawmill can parse BSD tcpdump (-tt) logs, import them into a MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle database (or its own built-in database), aggregate them, and generate dynamically filtered reports, all through a web interface. Sawmill can perform BSD tcpdump (-tt) log analysis on any platform, including Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS, Solaris, other UNIX, and others.

Sawmill stores the following non-numerical fields in its database for BSD tcpdump (-tt), generates reports for each field, and allows dynamic filtering on any combination of these fields:

Field  Internal Name
   date/time  date_time
   day of week  day_of_week
   hour of day  hour_of_day
   source IP  source_ip
   source port  source_port
   destination IP  destination_ip
   destination port  destination_port
   protocol  protocol
   operation  operation

Sawmill stores the following numerical fields in its database for BSD tcpdump (-tt), aggregating them and including them as columns in most reports:

Numerical Field  Internal Name
   packets  packets
   size  size

See Sawmill Features to learn more about Sawmill's options for viewing, customizing, filtering, exporting and scheduling BSD tcpdump (-tt) reports.

Sawmill also supports 1021 other log formats.

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