
Sawmill supports the following 1022 log formats. That is, Sawmill analyzes and creates reports from the logs for the following devices and applications. If you want to analyze a log in a different format, Sawmill also lets you specify a custom log format. If your log is generated by publicly-available software, we'll do this for you — just email a sample of your log file to support@sawmill.net, and we'll write you a log format descriptor that you can plug right in to your copy of Sawmill. (See Notes below.)
We're continually adding new log formats, so this list will keep growing.

- 3Com 3CRGPOE10075 WAP
- 3Com NBX 100
- 3Com OfficeConnect/WinSyslog
- 4ipnet WHG
- Marshal8e6 8e6 Web Filter
- M86 Security 8e6 Web filter
- A10 Networks AX Series Authentication
- A10 Networks AX Series ADC and Server Load Balancer
- AboCom Systems, Inc. VPN Firewall
- Greatstone activePDF
- IBM AIX CPU Utilization
- Akamai HTTP Streaming (W3C)
- Akamai Web Server Log (W3C)
- Aladdin eSafe Gateway
- SafeNet eSafe Gateway
- Aladdin Mail Security Gateway
- eSafe Mail Security Gateway
- Aladdin eSafe Sessions (with URL category)
- SafeNet eSafe Sessions (with URL category)
- Aladdin eSafe Sessions
- SafeNet eSafe Sessions
- Aladdin eSafe Sessions v5/v6
- NetSafe eSafe Sessions v5/v6
- Amavis Mail Virus Scanner
- Amazon Cloudfront Download
- Amazon Cloudfront Streaming
- Amazon S3
- Amazon Web Services Elasic Load Balancer
- Xylogics Annex Terminal Server
- Bay Networks Annex Terminal Server
- Nortel Annex Terminal Server
- ASSP Anti-spam SMTP Proxy
- Apache Custom (Use with your format string)
- Apache Error
- Apache Error (syslog required)
- Apache SSL Request
- Apache NCSA Combined (NetTracker)
- Apache NCSA Combined With Cookie Last
- Apache NCSA Combined With Cookie Last (with JSESSIONID)
- Apache NCSA Combined With Server Domain After Agent
- Apache NCSA Combined With Server Domain After Date
- Apache NCSA Combined With Server Domain After Host
- Apache NCSA Combined With Server Domain After Size
- Apache NCSA Combined With Server Domain Before Host
- Apache NCSA Combined With Visitor Cookie
- Apache NCSA Combined With WebTrends Cookie
- Apache NCSA Combined
- Apache NCSA Combined with Syslog
- NCSA Common Agent
- Apple File Service
- Apple AppleShare IP Manager
- Applied Identity WELF
- ARBOR Networks eSeries Broadband Traffic Management
- Computer Associates ARCserve NT
- ArGo Software Design Mail Server
- ArGo Software Design Mail Server (ddmmyyyy)
- Argsoft Mail Server
- Argus Firewall
- Array Networks Integrated Web Traffic Manager 500/1000
- Array Networks APV Application Delivery Controller
- Array Networks SPX 3000 WELF/Squid combined
- Array Networks SPX 3000 VPN
- Aruba Networks Aruba Mobility Controllers
- Aruba Networks Aruba Wireless LAN Switch
- Ascend Communications
- Xtera AscenLink
- Persits Software AspEmail
- Astaro Security Gateway
- Astaro Mail Security
- Atlassian Confluence
- Atom Error Log
- ASDS AutoAdmin
- Autodesk Network License Manager (FlexLM)
- Autodesk Network License Manager (Ehanced Reports)
- Avaya Identify Engines
- Aventail SSL VPN
- SonicWall Aventail SSL VPN
- Aventail Web Access SSL VPN [AAR plug-in 1.6]
- SonicWall Web Access SSL VPN [AAR plug-in 1.6]
- Symantec Backup Exec
- Veritas Backup Exec
- Barracuda Networks, Inc. Spam Firewall 300
- Barracuda Networks, Inc. Spam Firewall 400
- Barracuda Networks, Inc. Spam Firewall 600
- Barracuda Spyware Filter
- Barracuda Web Application Firewall (Access)
- Barracuda Web Application Firewall (Access) (With Field Header)
- Barracuda Web Application Firewall (Access with extended info)
- Barracuda Web Application Firewall (Audit)
- Barracuda Web Application Firewall
- Barrier Group Firewall
- Biscom Delivery Server (BDS FTP)
- BEA Systems WebLogic non-extended
- Bea Systems WebLogic Application Server
- BEA WebLogic
- Oracle WebLogic
- Clickcadence Beatbox Hits
- Biodata BigFire Firewall
- Internet Systems Consortium BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)
- ISC Bind9 Query DNS Server
- ISC Bind9 Query DNS Server (with timestamp)
- ISC Bind9 Update (with timestamp)
- ISC Bind Query DNS Server
- ISC Bind Query DNS Server (with timestamp)
- ISC Bind Response Checks
- ISC Bind Security
- BindView EMS Reporting
- BindView User Logins
- Bindview Windows Event Log
- Funkwerk Bintec VPN Access
- Bitblock Systems HTTP Access
- Bitvise WinSSHD
- BlackStratus LogStorm Syslog
- Bluecoat ProxySG (Custom)
- Bluecoat Instant Messenger
- Bluecoat ProxySG 810
- Bluecoat ProxySG (Alt)
- Bluecoat RealMedia
- Bluecoat Squid Log / SGOS Format
- Bluecoat W3C (ELFF)
- Bluecoat Windows Media
- Bluesocket Wireless LAN
- Bomgar Box
- Borderware Security Device
- WatchGuard Borderware Security Device
- Borderware Runstats
- BPF BPFT Traflog
- BPF Traffic Daemon (BPFT v.4)
- BPF BPFT4 (with interface)
- BroadVision Error
- BroadVision Observation
- BroadWeb BEMS*
- BroadWeb XKeeper*
- BroadWeb BandKeeper*
- BroadWeb NetKeeper*
- BroadWeb Eulen*
- BroadWeb NH6*
- BroadWeb UTM*
- Broadweb NetKeeper NK3128
- Bulletproof FTP Server (dd/mm/yy, 24-hour)
- Gene6 G6 FTP Server (dd/mm/yy, 24-hour)
- Bulletproof FTP Server (dd/mm/yyyy)
- Gene6 G6 FTP Server (dd/mm/yyyy)
- Bulletproof FTP Server (dd/mm/yyyy, 24 hour)
- Gene6 G6 FTP Server (dd/mm/yyyy, 24 hour)
- Bulletproof FTP Server (mm/dd/yy)
- Gene6 G6 FTP Server (mm/dd/yy)
- Bulletproof FTP Server (mm/dd/yyyy)
- Gene6 G6 FTP Server (mm/dd/yyyy)
- Bulletproof FTP Server (yyyy/mm/dd)
- Gene6 G6 FTP Server (yyyy/mm/dd)
- Bulletproof FTP Sessions
- Gene6 G6 FTP Sessions
- Cell Technology IPS
- Cellopoint Email Firewalll
- Centricity FirstClass (mmddyyyy)
- Centricity FirstClass
- CFT Account
- Check Point SNMP
- Cisco Systems 3750 Switch
- Cisco Systems 827 Router (Kiwi, Full Dates, Tabs)
- Cisco Systems Access Control Server
- Cisco Systems Access Register
- Cisco Systems ACNS with SmartFilter
- Cisco Systems AS5300 Access Server
- Cisco Systems CE Common (Content Engine)
- Cisco Systems CE (Content Engine)
- Cisco eCDS
- Cisco Systems EMBLEM
- Cisco Systems IDS/NetRanger
- Cisco Systems IOS DHCP Server
- Cisco IPS
- IronPort Web Security Appliance (WSA S-Series) (CSV Export)
- Cisco IronPort Web Services Appliance (WSA S-Series) (pseudo-W3C with pattern header)
- Cisco IronPort Web Services Appliance (WSA S-Series) (W3C)
- Cisco Systems NetFlow
- Cisco Systems NetFlow (flow-export)
- Cisco Systems NetFlow (FlowTools ASCII Export)
- Cisco Systems NetFlow (nfdump -o long)
- Cisco Systems NetFlow (no dates)
- Cisco Systems NetFlow (version 1)
- Cisco Systems PIX/ASA Security Appliance
- Cisco Systems Router (No Syslog)
- Cisco Systems Router
- Cisco Systems SCA
- Cisco Systems Secure Server (RAS)
- Cisco Systems SOHO77
- Cisco Systems Voice Router
- Cisco VPN Concentrator
- Cisco Systems VPN Concentrator (mmddyyyy)
- Cisco Systems VPN Concentrator (Comma delimited)
- Cisco Systems VPN Concentrator (Alt)
- Cisco Systems VPN Concentrator Date/Time Header
- Cisco WAAS TCP Proxy 4.0
- Cisco WAAS TCP Proxy
- Cisco Systems Ciscoworks Syslog Server
- Citrix Firewall Manager Syslog
- Citrix NetScaler
- Sourcefire ClamAV
- Clavister SG Series (comma-separated)
- Clavister Firewall (CSV)
- Clavister Firewall (with syslog)
- Clavister SG
- Radvision Click to Meet
- Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server
- IBM Cognos PowerPlay Enterprise Server
- Cognos Ticket Server
- IBM Cognos Ticket Server
- Adobe ColdFusion Application Server
- Adobe ColdFusion Application Server (CSV)
- Adobe ColdFusion Web Server
- NCSA Combined Proxy
- NCSA Common Access
- Claranet Common Access
- 4D WebSTAR Common Access
- Kerio WebSTAR Common Access
- NCSA Common Access with full URLs
- NCSA Common Error
- NCSA Common Proxy
- NCSA Common Referrer
- CommuniGate Systems Communigate Mail Server
- CommuniGate Systems CommuniGate Pro
- Generic Complete Syslog Messages (report full syslog message in one field)
- Coradiant Object Tracking
- Coradiant TrueSight v2.0
- Courier POP3/IMAP Mail Server
- CP Secure Content Security Gateway
- Critical Path Mail Server (POP/IMAP)
- Critical Path Mail Server (SMTP)
- RedHat Linux crond
- The Fedora Project Linux crond
- Cellopoint CelloOS crond
- Generic CSV (Comma-Separated Values)
- Canto Cumulus Digital Asset Management
- CyberGuard Firewall Audit(non-WELF)
- CyberGuard Firewall (WELF)
- CyberGuard Firewall
- Dade Behring User Account (With Duration)
- Dade Behring User
- DansGuardian Content Filter 2.2
- DansGuardian Content Filter 2.4
- DansGuardian Content Filter 2.9
- DataEnter XWall
- Datagram SyslogServer
- Declude Spam Filter
- Declude Virus Filter
- DeepMail IMAP/POP3/SMTP Server
- Digital Insight Magnet
- D-link DI-804HV Router
- Infoblox DNSone DHCP
- IBM Domino Access
- Lotus Notes Domino Access
- IBM Domino Agent
- Lotus Notes Domino Agent
- IBM Domino Error
- Lotus Notes Domino Error
- IBM Domino Referrer
- Lotus Notes Domino Referrer
- Dorian Event Archiver
- Dovecot Secure IMAP server
- Unix du Disk Tracking
- Fiserv Easy Lender Login Audit (comma separated)
- Edgecast Networks Media server
- EDM Web Services Identity
- Qualcomm EIMS Error
- Qualcomm EIMS SMTP (12 hour)
- Qualcomm Internet Mail Server 3.2
- Chenziyi Email Catcher
- Enterasys Networks Dragon IDS
- Equiinet Web Filter 5.5
- JTC eSafe Sessions (with URL category)
- SafeNet eSafe Sessions (with URL category)
- Adiscon EventReporter (v.7)
- Adiscon EventReporter v.6
- GNU Event Log to Syslog
- Evostream Media Server
- Exim Internet Mailer 4
- Exim Internet Mailer
- OCLC EZproxy Custom (Use with your LogFormat string)
- OCLC EZproxy
- F-Secure HTTP Access
- F5 Load Balancer
- F5 Networks Application Security Manager
- FastHost HTTP Access
- FedEx Tracking
- FileMaker FileMaker 3
- FileMaker FileMaker Access Log
- FileMaker Web Server
- FileZilla FTP Server
- FileZilla FTP Server (m/d/yyyy)
- FileZilla FTP Server (yyyy-mm-dd)
- WatchGuard Firebox
- F5 FirePass SSL VPN (with syslog)
- F5 FirePass 4100 SSL VPN
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 (fw log -ftn export)
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 (fw log export)
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 (logexport)
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 (loggrabber with syslog)
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 (loggrabber)
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 Log Viewer 4.1
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 NG Full
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 NG General (text export)
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 NG (text export)
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 (text export)
- Checkpoint Firewall-1 via Syslog
- Webtrends firewall
- SoftArc FirstClass server
- Open Text FirstClass server
- Fiserv Easy Lender Login Audit
- OpenSight Software FlashFXP
- Macromedia Flash Media Server
- Adobe Flash Media Server
- Macromedia Flex/JRun
- Fortinet Fortigate 300 Series
- Fortinet FortiGate Firewall (comma separated)
- Fortinet Fortigate Firewall
- Fortinet Fortigate Firewall (space separated)
- Fortinet Fortigate Traffic
- Fortinet FortiMail
- Fortinet FortiMail
- Fortinet Firewall (syslog required)
- Foundry Networks BigIron Switch
- Brocade BigIron Switch
- Foundry Networks ServerIron Switch
- Brocade ServerIron Switch
- Logika FusionBot
- McAfee Gauntlet Firewall
- McAfee Gauntlet Firewall (yyyymmdd)
- Gene6 SARL FTP Server
- Gene6 SARL FTP Server (W3C)
- GFI MailSecurity Attachment & Content Filter
- GFI MailEssentials Spam Filter
- Globalscape EFT
- Gordano Messaging Suite POP
- Gordano Messaging System Post
- Gordano Messaging System SMTP
- Global Technology Associates GNAT Box (sylog required)
- Global Technology Associates GNAT Box Syslogger
- Google HTTP Access
- Novell GroupWise Internet Agent Accounting (2-digit years)
- Novell GroupWise Internet Agent Accounting (4-digit years)
- Novell GroupWise Post Office Agent
- Novell GroupWise Web Access (dd/mm/yy)
- Novell Groupwise Web Access (mm/dd/yy)
- GTA GB Firewall WELF (sylog required)
- GTA Gnatbox GB-Ware
- GTB Inspector
- HCTech Guardix
- Novell GW Guardian Antivirus
- Novell GW Guardian Anti-Spam
- Hand-Crafted Software FreeProxy
- Real Networks Helix Session Manager
- Real Networks Helix Server Style 5
- Real Networks Helix Server
- hMailServer - www.hmailserver.com SMTP Mail Server
- Provos honeyd
- Hosting.com Access
- Hewlett Packard Audit Log
- SDSU htdig
- SocketLabs Hurricane MTA
- Digital Arts i-FILTER
- Microsoft IAS Alternate
- Microsoft IAS Comma-Separated
- IBM HTTP Server Common
- IBM HTTP Server
- IBM Tivoli Access Manager
- IBM Tivoli Access Manager WebSEAL
- IBM Tivoli NetView
- IBM WebSEAL Request
- ICAP Internet Content Adaptation Protocol
- Xiph Foundation Icecast (Alternate)
- Xiph Foundation Icecast
- Icecast Playlist
- Microsoft IIS (ODBC log source)
- Microsoft IIS Advanced Logging Module
- Microsoft IIS Extended (W3C)
- Microsoft IIS (with syslog)
- Microsoft IIS Extended
- Microsoft IIS FTP Server
- Microsoft IIS
- Microsoft IIS (dd/mm/yy)
- Microsoft IIS (dd/mm/yyyy)
- Microsoft IIS (mm/dd/yyyy dates)
- Microsoft IIS (yy/mm/dd)
- Microsoft IIS SMTP (Comma Separated)
- Microsoft IIS SMTP Common
- Microsoft IIS SMTP W3C
- Ipswitch Imail Syslog Header
- Ipswitch IMail Server
- Ipswitch IMail
- Ipswitch Imail Server Alternate
- Imperva WAF
- InfiNet Firewall
- Ingate Firewall
- INN News
- INN News (Alternate)
- eSoft Instagate Firewall/VPN
- Instagate Sys*
- Intel NetStructure VPN Gateway
- Help/Systems InterMapper Chart
- Dartware InterMapper Event
- Dartware InterMapper Outages
- Dartware InterMapper Outages (ddmmyyyy 24 hr time)
- Dartware Intermapper Outages (mmmddyyyy, AM/PM)
- IBM Internet Security Systems Network Sensors
- InterSafe HTTP Content Filter
- TrendMicro Interscan E-mail
- TrendMicro Interscan Email VirusWall
- TrendMicro Interscan Messaging Security Suite (emanager)
- TrendMicro Interscan Messaging Security Suite (virus)
- TrendMicro Interscan Messaging Security Suite (Integrated)
- TrendMicro Interscan Messaging Security Suite
- TrendMicro Interscan Proxy (dd/mm/yyyy)
- TrendMicro Interscan Proxy (mm/dd/yyyy)
- InterScan VirusWall
- Trend Micro InterScan Viruswall
- Trend Micro Interscan VirusWall
- TrendMicro Interscan Web Security Suite
- Cisco IOS Debug IP Packet Detailed (Using Syslog Server)
- GNU IP Traffic LAN Statistics
- GNU ipchains
- IPCop IDS Snort (multiline)
- IPCop Syslog Server
- iPolicy Networks ipEnforcer
- Oracle iPlanet Error
- Oracle iPlanet Messaging Server
- Sun-Netscape iPlanet Messenger Server 5
- iPlanet Netscape Directory Server
- Netscape iPlanet
- SolarWinds IPMon (Using Syslog Server)
- St. Bernard Software iPrism (with syslog)
- St. Bernard Software iPrism Monitor
- St. Bernard Software iPrism-RT
- Ipswitch MOVEit DMZ
- Ipswitch MOVEit DMZ SSH
- Ipswitch WS_FTP (XML)
- Netfilter IPtables Configuration
- Netfilter IPtables
- GNU IPTraf
- GNU IPTraf TCP/UDP Services
- CiperTrust Ironmail AV (Sophos)
- Secure Computing Ironmail AV (Sophos)
- McAfee Ironmail AV (Sophos)
- CiperTrust Ironmail CSV
- Secure Computing Ironmail CSV
- McAfee Ironmail CSV
- CiperTrust Ironmail SMTP Proxy
- Secure Computing Ironmail SMTP Proxy
- McAfee Ironmail SMTP Proxy
- CiperTrust Ironmail SMTPO
- Secure Computing Ironmail SMTPO
- McAfee Ironmail SMTPO
- CiperTrust Ironmail Sophosq
- Secure Computing Ironmail Sophosq
- McAfee Ironmail Sophosq
- CiperTrust Ironmail Spam
- Secure Computing Ironmail Spam
- McAfee Ironmail Spam
- IronPort Bounce
- Cisco/IronPort Bounce
- IronPort C Series Secure Email
- Cisco/IronPort C Series Secure Email
- Cisco IronPort IronPort S-Series Access Logs HR Profile for Extended Squid Format
- Cisco IronPort IronPort S-Series Access Logs Sec Ops Profile for Extended Squid Format
- Cisco IronPort IronPort S-Series Traffic Monitor Logs v2008-04-03 for WSA v5.1
- Cisco IronPort IronPort S-Series Traffic Monitor Logs v2008-08-22 for WSA v5.2+
- ISC DHCP Leases
- Internet Security Systems Firewall
- Unknown Publisher IST
- Jataayu Carrier WAP Server
- Oracle Java Administration MBEAN
- Sun Microsystems Java Bean Application Serve
- Oracle Java Bean Application Serve
- JBoss (Red Hat) Application Server
- Atlassian JIRA
- Juniper SRX3400
- Juniper SRX240
- Juniper IDP
- Juniper Media Flow Controller (Access Logs) (W3C)
- Juniper Media Flow Controller Access (2_0_9_Apple_MFC variant, 2012-07-21)
- Juniper Media Flow Controller Access (Apple variant, 2012-07-21)
- Juniper Media Flow Controller (Access Logs) (NCSA)
- NetScreen Traffic
- Juniper Networks NetScreen Traffic
- Juniper Networks Secure Access 4000
- Juniper Networks Secure Access 6000
- Juniper SSL VPN
- Juniper SA-2500
- Kaspersky Labs AVP Client (Spanish)
- Kaspersky Labs AVP Server (Spanish)
- Kaspersky Labs Mail Server for Linux
- Kaspersky Labs Mail Server
- KEIKO PLAN-N Access Control Software
- Kerio Mail Server
- Kerio Connect
- Kerio Control (Security)
- Kerio Network Monitor HTTP
- Kerio Network Monitor
- Kerio Winroute Firewall
- Kerio Control Firewall
- Kernun DNS Proxy
- Kernun HTTP Proxy
- Kernun Proxy
- Kernun SMTP Proxy
- Kingdon, Inc. Kingdon Firewall
- Solarwinds Kiwi Syslog (dd-mm-yyyy dates)
- Kiwi Syslog (dd-mm-yyyy dates)
- Solarwinds Kiwi (mm-dd-yy dates, with type and protocol)
- Kiwi (mm-dd-yy dates, with type and protocol)
- SolarWinds Syslog Daemon (mm-dd-yyyy dates)
- Kiwi Syslog Daemon (mm-dd-yyyy dates)
- SolarWinds (mmm/dd dates, hh:hh:ss.mmm UTC times)
- Kiwi (mmm/dd dates, hh:hh:ss.mmm UTC times)
- SolarWinds Syslog (yyyy/m/d hh:mm, tab separated)
- Kiwi Syslog (yyyy/m/d hh:mm, tab separated)
- SolarWinds Syslog (Space-separated YYYY/MM/DD)
- Kiwi Syslog (Space-separated YYYY/MM/DD)
- SolarWinds Kiwi CatTools CatOS Port Usage
- Kiwi CatTools CatOS Port Usage
- Solarwinds Kiwi Syslog (ISO/Sawmill)
- Kiwi Syslog (ISO/Sawmill)
- Solarwinds Kiwi Syslog (ISO/Sawmill) for EventSentry
- Kiwi Syslog (ISO/Sawmill) for EventSentry
- Kiwi Syslog (Logged to Access MDB, then exported tab-separated)*
- SolarWinds Syslog (UTC)
- Kiwi Syslog (UTC)
- SolarWinds Syslog (YYYYMMDD Comma)
- Kiwi Syslog (YYYYMMDD Comma)
- Tinline Know-how
- KS-Soft Host Monitor
- Advanced Network Software Host monitor
- Lancom Systems Router
- Lava Soft Lava2 Firewall
- Limelight Networks Flash Media Server
- Limelight SHOUTcast Service
- Cisco Linksys Router
- Cisco LinkSys VPN Router
- Sun Microsystems log4j (with your format string)
- LogSat Spam Filter
- Lotus Notes
- LRS VPSX Accounting
- L-Soft LSMTP Access
- L-Soft LSMTP
- Alcatel-Lucent Brick Firewall
- Alcatel-Lucent VPN Firewall Brick
- LUNA Insight Media Manager Service
- Lyris MailShield
- Apple MacOS X FTP
- MailEnable W3C Mail Server
- GNU Mailer Daemon
- GFI MailEssentials
- GNU Mailman Post
- GNU Mailman Subscribe
- Smartmax MailMax SE Mail
- SmartMax MailMax SE SMTP
- MailScanner Syslog Required
- MailScanner
- MailScanner Virus
- Eridani MailStripper
- Clearswift MAILsweeper (24 Hour)
- Clearswift MAILsweeper (AM/PM)
- Clearswift MAILSweeper (long)
- McAfee E1000 Mail Scanner
- McAfee Email Gateway
- IronMail IronMail (showevents export)
- McAfee Email Security Appliance
- McAfee IntruShield Alert
- McAfee Secure Messaging Gateway (SMG) VPN Firewall
- McAfee Web Gateway
- McAfee Webshield
- McAfee Webshield XML
- Alt-N Technologies MDaemon 7 (All)
- Alt-N Technologies MDaemon 7
- Alt-N Technologies MDaemon 8+
- Alt-N Technologies MDaemon Routing
- Merak POP/IMAP Server
- Merak SMTP Server
- Arm Research Labs Message Sniffer
- Metavante CEB Failed Logins
- FIS CEB Failed Logins
- Metavante
- FIS Metavante
- Microsoft Elogdmp (CSV)
- Microsoft Event Log Query
- Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail
- Microsoft Exchange Server (W3C)
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 (CSV)
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Connectivity Log
- Microsoft Exchange Server
- Microsoft Exchange 2007 (via syslog)
- Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway
- Microsoft Forefront Threat Management Gateway (Tab-separated)
- Microsoft IAS (XML)
- Microsoft IAS/NPS
- Microsoft ICF (Internet Connection Firewall)
- Microsoft ISA 2004 CSV
- Microsoft ISA Server
- Microsoft ISA Server Packet
- Microsoft ISA WebProxy (ODBC log source)
- Microsoft ISA WebProxy (CSV)
- Microsoft Media Server
- Microsoft SharePoint Server
- Microsoft Port Reporter
- Microsoft Proxy
- Microsoft Proxy (Bytes Received Field Before Bytes Sent)
- Microsoft Proxy (d/m/yy)
- Microsoft Proxy (d/m/yyyy)
- Microsoft Proxy (m/d/yyyy)
- Microsoft Proxy Packet Filtering
- Microsoft Server NPS SQL (ODBC Log Source)
- Microsoft SQL Profiler 2005 Export with DB/Host
- Microsoft SQL Profiler Export
- Microsoft Windows DHCP Server
- Microsoft Windows DHCP Server
- Microsoft Windows Event Logs (Powershell ETVX to CSV)
- Microsoft Windows Event Log (XML)
- Microsoft Windows Firewall
- Microtech ImageMaker
- Microtech ImageMaker
- MikroTik Router
- MikroTik Web Proxy
- Clearswift MIMEsweeper
- FreeBSD Minirsyslogd
- Mirapoint SMTP
- Mirapoint Message Server
- Miva Merchant Access
- Miva Merchant Combined Access
- Generic MM/DD-HH:MM:SS Timestamp Syslog Server
- Apache Mod Gzip
- Adiscon MonitorWare
- Adiscon MonitorWare (Alternative)
- Microsoft MPS
- Microsoft Provisioning System
- Mitsubishi msieser HTTP
- Mitsubishi msieser SMTP
- Blue-Canoe MTS Professional
- N2H2 Novell Border Manager
- N2H2
- N2H2 Sentian
- Nagios
- NcFTP (Alternate)
- NcFTP Xfer Server
- NEMX PowerTools for Exchange
- Juniper Networks Neoteris
- Netscreen Neoteris SSL Web Client Export
- Tenable Nessus
- Ulrich Callmeier Network log daemon
- NetApp Filers Audit
- NetApp NetCache 5.5+
- BlueCoat NetCache 5.5+
- NetApp NetCache
- BlueCoat NetCache
- NetContinuum Application Security Gateway
- Netegrity SiteMinder Access
- Netegrity SiteMinder Event
- NetForensics Syslog
- Netgear DG834G
- Netgear FR328S
- Netgear FVL328 (logging to syslog)
- NetGear FVL328 (logging to syslog)*
- Netgear FVS318
- Netgear FVS318 With Syslog
- Netgear Firewall
- NETGEAR ProSecure
- Netgear Security
- Netgear Security (logging to syslog)
- AEP Netilla
- Netkey
- NCR Netkey
- Motorola Netopia 4553
- Stairways NetPresenz
- Stairways NetPresenz (24-hour times, d/m/y dates)
- Stairways NetPresenz (d/m/y dates)
- Netscape Netscape Extended
- Netscape Messenger 4.0
- Juniper Networks NetScreen IDP
- Juniper Networks Netscreen-25
- Juniper Networks NetScreen-204
- Juniper NetScreen SSG
- Juniper Networks Netscreen SSL Gateway
- Juniper Networks NetScreen Traffic (get log traffic)
- Juniper Networks Netscreen Web Client Export
- Microsoft Netstat
- RedHat Netstat
- GNU/Linux Netstat
- HP Netstat
- Net-Wall
- Generic Network Syslog
- Neustar Webmetrics
- Nginx Nginx (using log_format)
- Nmap Security Scanner
- nnSoft nnBackup
- No Syslog Header (use today's date, or use date/time from message)
- Nokia IP350/Checkpoint NG
- Nortel Contivity (VPN Router/Firewall)
- Nortel Meridian 1 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
- Nortel Networks Instant Internet
- Nortel SSL VPN
- Symantec Norton Personal Firewall 2003 Connection
- Novell Border Manager (W3C)
- Novell Border Manager 3.8
- Novell iChain (W3C Extended)
- Novell iChain (W3C)
- NovellNetMail 3.5
- Novell NetMail
- NPR Digital Services IceCast Reporting
- GNU General Public License NTsyslog
- O'Reilly Web Access
- OCLC EZproxy
- Open WebMail
- OpenBSD Packet Filter Firewall (tcpdump -neqttr)
- Openfind Mail2000
- Jive Software OpenFire IM
- OpenVPN technologies OpenVPN Header
- OpenVPN technologies OpenVPN
- Openwave Systems Intermail
- Optenet WebFilter
- Optima Transaction Log
- Oracle Application Server (Java Exceptions)
- Oracle Database Audit
- Oracle Express Authentication
- Oracle Failed Login Attempts
- Hyperion Essbase
- Oracle Essbase
- Oracle Listener
- OSSEC Alert Log
- OSSEC Checkpoint
- Packet Dynamics W3C Log Export
- Paloalto Firewall(CEF)
- Palo Alto Networks Firewall (Integrated Threat & Traffic)
- Palo Alto Networks Firewall (Threat)
- Palo Alto Networks Firewall (Traffic)
- GNU Passlogd Syslog (Full Messages)
- GNU Passlogd
- PeopleSoft AppServer
- Microsoft Performance Monitor
- PHP Error
- Piolink Network Loadbalance
- Cisco PIX Firewall Syslog Server
- Eutron Planet-Share InterFax
- Parallels Plesk Server Administrator
- Oracle Policy Directory Audit
- Oracle Policy Directory Security Audit Trail
- Evidian PortalXPert
- Psionic Technologies PortSentry
- Cisco PortSentry
- Tenon Intersystems Post Office Mail Server
- Postfix mail server
- Symantec Brightmail Gateway
- PostWorks IMAP Server
- PostWorks POP3 Server
- PostWorks SMTP Server
- FreeBSD praudit
- GNU Privoxy
- Sysgenic Group Proxy-Pro GateKeeper
- Fortech, Ltd Proxy Plus
- Microsoft PSLogList
- GNU PureFTP (Syslog)
- QBIK WinGate
- Qmail Scanner (Syslog Required)
- Qmail Scanner (TAI64N dates)
- Qmail Scanner
- Apple Quicktime Streaming Error
- Apple Quicktime/Darwin Streaming Server
- IBM RACF Security
- Livingston Radius Accounting
- Livingston Radius Accounting II
- Livingston Radius ACT
- Radware DefensePro
- Radware Linkproof OnDemand Switch
- Radware Load Balancing (Using Syslog Server)
- Raiden FTP Server
- Raiden MAILD
- Netgear RAIDiator Error
- Unknown Publisher Rapid Firewall
- Symantec Raptor Firewall
- Symantec Raptor (Exception Reporting)
- RealNetworks RealProxy
- RealNetworks RealServer Error
- RealNetworks RealServer
- RealNetworks RealServer Alternate
- Redcreek System Message Viewer
- RedHat syslogd (dd/mm/yyyy:hh:mm:ss prefix)
- RedHat syslogd
- Retrospect
- Microsoft 2012 R2 Server (CSV)
- RSA SecurID Audit Admin
- RSA SecurID Audit Runtime
- Ruby
- Maxum Development Rumpus FTP
- Maxum Development Rumpus HTTP
- Office Efficiencies SafeSquid (Extended Logging)
- Office Efficiencies SafeSquid
- Office Efficiencies SafeSquid (Orange)
- Office Efficiencies SafeSquid Standalone
- GNU Samba
- Sambar Server
- SAS Firewall
- Aurea Savvion BPM
- Flowerfire Sawmill Messages
- Flowerfire Sawmill Tagging Server
- Sawmill Task Log
- Sawmill Unified Media
- TrendMicro ScanMail for Exchange
- Generic Seconds since Jan 1 1970 Timestamp Syslog
- eEye Digital Security SecureIIS
- Sendmail No Syslog
- Sendmail For NT
- Sendmail (Syslog Required)
- Separ URL Filter
- Rhino Software Serv-U FTP Server
- Woodstone Servers Alive (Statistics)
- Woodstone Servers Alive
- Sharetech / Abocom Firewall
- Open Door Networks ShareWay IP
- GNU Shorewall
- Nullsoft SHOUTcast Media Server / DNAS (Distributed Network Audio Server)
- Nullsoft SHOUTcast Media Server / DNAS (Distributed Network Audio Server) (W3C)
- Fujitsu Si-R
- Secure Computing Corporation Secure Firewall (Sidewinder)
- Secure Computing Sidewinder
- Secure Computing Sidewinder Syslog
- JH Software Simple DNS
- Sun Microsystems SIMS (Sun Internet Mail Server)
- NuSpectra SiteCAM
- JP-Secure SiteGuard
- PROVISIO GmbH SiteKiosk
- Provisio SiteKiosk
- CA Technologies SiteMinder Apache WebAgent
- CA Technologies SiteMinder Policy Server
- CA Technologies SiteMinder Web Acccess Manager
- CA Technologies SiteMinder WebAgent
- Franz Krainer SL4NT (dd.mm.yyyy, commas without spaces)
- Franz Krainer SL4NT (dd/mm/yyyy)
- Netal SL4NT (yyyy mmm dd)
- Franz Krainer SL4NT
- Franz Krainer slnt4
- SmarterTools SmarterMail
- N2H2 SmartFilter (Bess Edition)
- Secure Computing SmartFilter (Bess Edition)
- SmartMax POP
- SmartMax SMTP
- GNU SmoothWall
- Smoothwall Network Guardian and Advanced Firewall
- SmoothWall SmoothGuardian 3.1
- InterSect Alliance SNARE Epilog Collected Oracle Listener
- InterSect Alliance Snare for AIX
- Intersect Alliance Snare
- Generic SNMP Manager
- SnmpSoft Syslog Watcher
- Sourcefire Snort 2 (syslog required)
- Sourcefire Snort (standalone, mm/dd dates)
- Sourcefire Snort (standalone, mm/dd/yy dates)
- Sourcefire Snort (syslog required)
- Sourcefire SNORT Portscan
- Generic Socks 5
- Software602
- SolarWinds Syslog Server
- SonicWall Version 5
- SonicWALL Aventail Client/server Access
- SonicWALL Aventail XML Report
- SonicWall NSA (Network Security Appliance)
- SonicWall SonicWall or 3COM Firewall
- SonicWall TZ 170 Firewall
- Sophos Antispam Message
- Sophos Antispam PMX
- Sophos Mail Monitor for SMTP
- Sophos UTM Web Application Firewall
- Sophos Web Appliance
- Sourcefire Defense Center
- Sourcefire IDS
- Apache SpamAssassin
- OpenBSD spamd (SpamAssassin Daemon)
- Squarespace
- SquareSpace Tomcat Tomsquare
- GNU Squid Common
- GNU Squid Common - Syslog Required
- GNU Squid Event
- SquidGuard Plugin for Squid
- Shalla Secure Services squidGuard
- Squid Proxy server
- Squid Web cache daemon
- GNU Squid With Full Headers
- GNU Squid with ncsa_auth Package
- Juniper Networks Steel Belted Radius ACT
- Stonesoft StoneGate Firewall
- O2 Micro Succendo SSL VPN
- Netscape Netscape Directory Server
- Sun Microsystems Sun ONE Directory Server
- Oracle Sun ONE Directory Server
- Sun Microsystems Sun ONE Directory Server Audit
- Oracle Sun ONE Directory Server Audit
- Sun Microsystems Sun ONE Directory Server Error
- Oracle Sun ONE Directory Server Error
- SuperLumin Networks Nemesis
- Sybase Error Log
- Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition
- Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition (VHIST Exporter)
- Symantec Antivirus
- Symantec Brightmail Gateway (via syslog)
- Symantec Enterprise Firewall 8
- Symantec Enterprise Firewall
- Symantec Gateway Security 2 (CSV)
- Symantec Gateway Security 400 Series
- Symantec Gateway Security
- Symantec Gateway Security (via syslog)
- Symantec Mail Security
- Symantec Mail Security Syslog
- Symantec System Console
- Symantec Web Security CSV
- Symantec Web Security
- Syslog Syslog (yyyymmdd hhmmss)
- Balabit IT Security Syslog NG (tab separated)
- BalaBit IT Security Syslog-NG
- BalaBit IT Security Syslog-NG (No Year)
- BalaBit IT Security Syslog NG Log (no date in log data; yyyymmdd date in filename)
- BalaBit IT Security Syslog-NG (No Time Zone)
- BalaBit IT Security Syslog NG Messages
- SyrReset Mirc
- Cisco Systems TACACS+ Accounting
- BSD tcpdump
- BSD tcpdump (-tt)
- BSD tcpdump (-tt, with interface)
- BSD tcpdump (-tt, with interface) Alternate
- Tellique
- TerraPlay Accounting
- Microsoft TFS MailReport Extended
- MikroTik The Dude
- Generic Timestamp (mm dd hh:mm:ss)
- Tiny Software Personal Firewall
- Steven Young and Robert James Kaes tinyproxy
- TippingPoint Technologies TippingPoint IPS 2.5.1
- 3COM TippingPoint IPS 2.5.2
- HP TippingPoint IPS 2.5.3
- TippingPoint
- 3COM TippingPoint
- HP TippingPoint
- TippingPoint Technologies TippingPoint SMS
- 3Com TippingPoint SMS
- HP TippingPoint SMS
- IBM Tivoli Storage Manager TDP for SQL Server
- Apache Tomcat (using Access Log Valve pattern)
- Apache Tomcat Alt
- Apache Tomcat
- Trend Micro Control Manager
- Trend Micro Control Manager 2014
- Trend Micro Deep Security
- Trend Micro Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security Suite (IMSS) eManager
- Trend Micro InterScan Web Security Suite Access
- Trend Micro IWSVA
- Trend Micro ScanMail For Exchange
- Trend Micro ServerProtect CSV Admin
- Trend Micro Interscan WebManager
- Trend Micro eManager Spam Filter
- Unicomp Guinevere
- Unicomp Guinevere Virus
- Sun Solaris Auth
- RedHat Linux Auth
- The Fedora Project Linux
- Cellopoint CelloOS
- Sun Solaris Daemon Syslog Messages
- RedHat RedHat Linux Daemon Syslog Messages
- The Fedora Project Fedora Linux Daemon Syslog Messages
- Cellopoint CelloOS Daemon Syslog Messages
- Open Source UNIX FTP
- UNIX sudo
- Open Source Unix Syslog
- Open Source Unix Syslog With Year
- Unreal Streaming Technologies Unreal Media Server
- Generex UPS WEB/SNMP Manager
- Microsoft URL-Scan (W3C)
- Microsoft URLScan
- Useful Utilities EZproxy
- Generic User Activity Tracking
- UTM Firewall
- UUDynamics SSL VPN
- University of Wisconsin UW-IMAP
- Vamsoft Open Relay Filter Enterprise Edition
- Vasco iKey Server
- VBrick EtherneTV Portal Server
- Vicomsoft Gateway
- Vicomsoft Internet Gateway
- Websense Vidius Combined
- Vidyo CDR
- Vircom Mail Server
- Visonys Airlock
- vsftpd
- Generic W3C Web Server
- WallWatcher Firewall
- Generic WAP Error
- Jarle Aase War FTP Daemon
- Jarle Aase War FTP Daemon (Alternate)
- Watchguard Firebox (Cluster Traffic)
- Watchguard Firebox Export Header
- Watchguard Firebox Export Header (dd/mm/yy dates)
- Watchguard Firebox Export Header (mm/dd/yy dates)
- Watchguard Firebox Export (m/d/y)
- Watchguard Firebox Export
- Watchguard Firebox v60
- Watchguard Firebox V60 Syslog required
- Watchguard Firebox X Core e-Series
- Watchguard Firebox XTM
- Watchguard Historical Reports Export
- Watchguard Firebox
- Watchguard SOHO
- Watchguard WELF
- Watchguard WSEP Text Exports (Firebox II & III & X)
- Watchguard Firebox XML
- BEA Systems WebLogic 8+
- Oracle BEA WebLogic 8+
- Oracle WebLogic (W3C)
- Websense
- BEA Systems WebLogic (diagnostic)
- Oracle WebLogic (diagnostic)
- CCMedia Webnibbler
- IBM WebSEAL Audit
- IBM WebSEAL Authorization (XML)
- IBM WebSEAL Error
- IBM WebSEAL Security Manager
- IBM WebSEAL Wand Audit
- IBM WebSEAL Warning
- Websense
- Websense Websense Server
- IBM WebSphere Message Broker
- Kerio WebSTAR FTP
- Kerio WebSTAR
- WebSTAR Proxy
- Kerio WebSTAR Proxy
- Kerio WebSTAR W3C Web Server
- Clearswift Technologies Websweeper
- Webtrends Extended
- Webtrends Syslog for Firewalls and VPNs
- Secure Computing WebWasher
- McAfee WebWasher
- Prrdeikes Welcome
- Webtrends WELF date/time extraction (no syslog header)
- WebTrends WELF Stand-alone (no syslog)
- Ipswitch Whatsup Syslog
- Sentman WhistleBlower
- Sentman WhistleBlower Performance Metrics
- Who's Clicking Who
- Microsoft Windows Event Log (CSV export dd/mm/yyyy)
- Microsoft Windows (Server 2008/Vista) Event Log (CSV Export, m/d/yyyy dates)
- Microsoft DNS Server
- Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Event (export list-CSV) ddmmyyyy
- Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Event (save as-CSV) dd/mm/yyyy
- Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003 Eventlog via Syslog
- Microsoft Windows 7/2008 Eventlog via Syslog
- Microsoft Window Azure
- Microsoft Windows Event Log
- Microsoft Windows Event Log (CSV)
- Microsoft Windows Event (Comma Delimited, m/d/yyyy days, h:mm:ss AM/PM times)
- Microsoft Windows Event Log (Tab Delimited)
- Microsoft Windows Event (comma or tab delimited, no am/pm, 24h & ddmmyyyy)
- Microsoft Windows Event Log (dumpeventlogs.vbs export)
- Microsoft Windows Event (24 hour times, d/m/yyyy dates)
- Microsoft Windows Event (ALTools export)
- Microsoft dumpel.exe
- Microsoft Windows Event (dumpevt.exe export)
- Microsoft Windows NT Scheduler
- Microsoft Windows NT Syslog
- Microsoft Windows NT4 Event (save as CSV)
- Microsoft Windows Performance Monitor
- Microsoft Windows Syslog
- Microsoft Windows XP Event Log (LogParser CSV Export)
- Qbik WinGate Proxy (no Traffic lines, dd/mm/yy dates)
- Qbik WinGate Proxy (no Traffic lines, mm/dd/yy dates)
- Qbik WinGate Proxy (with Traffic lines)
- Blue Coat Winproxy 5.1 (yyyy-mm-dd dates)
- Blue Coat WinProxy Alternate
- Ositis Winproxy Common
- Ositis Winproxy
- Ositis Winproxy (2-digit years)
- Kerio WinRoute Connection
- Kerio WinRoute Mail
- Kerio WinRoute Web
- Bitvise Winsshd
- Adiscon WinSyslog
- Wipro Websecure Audit
- Wipro Websecure Auth (Alternate Dates)
- Wipro Websecure Auth
- Wipro Websecure Debug
- Ethereal Packet Analyzer
- Wireshark Packet Analyzer
- Wowza Media Systems Wowza Media Server
- Wowza Media Systems Wowza Streaming Engine
- Ipswitch WS_FTP
- Washington University WU-FTP
- Sawmill Analytics WU-FTP
- Washington University WU-FTP (yyyy-mm-dd Dates, Server Domain)
- 8e6 Technologies X-Stop
- M86 Security X-Stop
- GNU XMail SMTP Server
- GNU XMail Spam
- Forum Systems XWall
- Yamaha RTX
- Youngzsoft CCProxy
- Zentyal Linux Small Business Server
- Zentyal Unix Syslog
- Zeus Technologies Zeus Web Server Extended
- Zeus Technology Zeus Web Server (Alternate Dates)
- Zimbra Collaboration Mail Server
- Check Point Software Technologies Zone Alarm
- ZyXEL Communications
- Zyxel Communications Zyxel Firewall (Syslog Required)
- Zyxel Communications Zywall Firewall WELF

Different versions of the supported devices and applications may have different log formats. A device may also have various logging options which produce log formats which are very different or slightly different from each other. Because of this, inclusion of a product's name on this list is not a guarantee that we support the exact format of your logs. We add support for new variants and versions of existing formats just as we add support for log formats that are completely new to us.
It is our policy to implement basic plug-in customizations for free within a few weeks. More complex formats and more complex requirements may involve a professional services charge.
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