The Zoom To Menu

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The Zoom to Menu

The Zoom to Menu shows the names of the reports that can be displayed when you Zoom.

For instance, when we select the /downloads/ directory in the pages and directories view, you can see that the 'Zoom to' Menu appears. By selecting a new Report View from the menu, you will Zoom into that new view and filter it by the selection '/download/'.

This can be useful if you want to break down each item in a table by some other report view, for instance here we will see what traffic looked like by day, for the directory '/download/'. To do this, we choose 'URLs/Directories' view from the Report Menu, then click on '/download/' in the table and then 'Zoom to' the Days view.

You can change the Zoom menu view repeatedly, and filter each view from the Zoom to Menu by the '/download/' directory (you could also use Global Filters to add a report wide filter rather than using the Zoom Filters).

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