All Options

Command Line Options

Option name Description
LogAnalysisInfo directory location A directory where Sawmill can store profiles and other information

Command-line name: command_line.log_analysis_info_directory
Command-line shortcut: laid
Session ID Internal option used to track sessions in the graphical interface

Command-line name: command_line.session_id
Command-line shortcut: si
Action The command-line action to perform

Command-line name: command_line.action
Command-line shortcut: a
Generate HTML report files to directory Generate HTML report files into a directory

Command-line name: command_line.generate_html_to_directory
Command-line shortcut: ghtd
Output directory The directory to write an exported report to.

Command-line name: command_line.output_directory
Command-line shortcut: od
Field name The name of a database field

Command-line name: command_line.field_name
Command-line shortcut: fn
Cross-reference table The cross-reference table number

Command-line name: command_line.cross_reference_table
Command-line shortcut: crt
Force rebuild Whether to force a rebuild

Command-line name: command_line.force_rebuild
Command-line shortcut: fr
Start web server This option controls whether Sawmill starts its built-in web server when it starts (whether it runs in web server mode)

Command-line name: command_line.web_server
Command-line shortcut: ws
Generate report Generate a report

Command-line name: command_line.generate_report
Command-line shortcut: gr
Language The language to use for report generation

Command-line name: command_line.language
Command-line shortcut: l
Statistics viewing password The password required to view the statistics for this profile, passed on the command line

Command-line name: command_line.password
Command-line shortcut: clp
Profile to use The name of the profile to use for this command.

Command-line name: command_line.profile
Command-line shortcut: p
Command-line output types The types of command-line output to generate

Command-line name: command_line.verbose
Command-line shortcut: v
Master process ID Process ID of the master web server thread (used internally)

Command-line name: command_line.master_process_id
Command-line shortcut: mpi
Display page The interface page to display

Command-line name: command_line.display_page
Command-line shortcut: dp
Report name The name of the report to generate

Command-line name: command_line.report_name
Command-line shortcut: rn
Return address The return address of an email message

Command-line name: command_line.return_address
Command-line shortcut: rna
Recipient address The recipient address of an email message

Command-line name: command_line.recipient_address
Command-line shortcut: rca
Cc address The carbon copy address of an email message

Command-line name: command_line.cc_address
Command-line shortcut: ca
Bcc address The blind carbon copy address of an email message

Command-line name: command_line.bcc_address
Command-line shortcut: ba
Report email subject The email subject to use when sending a report by email

Command-line name: command_line.report_email_subject
Command-line shortcut: res
Merge database directory Directory of database to merge into this one

Command-line name: command_line.merge_database_directory
Command-line shortcut: mdd
Directory Directory to import a database from, or export a database to

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: d
Destination directory Directory to convert imported database to

Command-line name: command_line.destination_directory
Command-line shortcut: dd
Report Filters The filters to use when generating a report

Command-line name: command_line.filters
Command-line shortcut: f
Filters comment

Command-line name: command_line.filters_comment
Command-line shortcut: fc
Date filter The date filter to use when generating a report

Command-line name: command_line.date_filter
Command-line shortcut: df
Date breakdown Zooms to the date which is specified in "Date filter"

Command-line name: command_line.date_breakdown
Command-line shortcut: db
Update to version The version to update to, using web update

Command-line name: command_line.update_to_version
Command-line shortcut: utv
Generate PDF friendly files Generate HTML report files in a PDF friendly format

Command-line name: command_line.generate_pdf_friendly_files
Command-line shortcut: gpff
Starting row This option controls the starting row of a generated or exported report.

Command-line name: command_line.starting_row
Command-line shortcut: stro
Ending row This option controls the ending row of a generated or exported report.

Command-line name: command_line.ending_row
Command-line shortcut: er
Sort by Specifies the field to sort by, in a generated or exported report

Command-line name: command_line.sort_by
Command-line shortcut: sb
Sort direction Specifies the direction to sort in, in a generated or exported report

Command-line name: command_line.sort_direction
Command-line shortcut: sd
Export average row Adds an average row when used with export_csv_table.

Command-line name: command_line.export_average
Command-line shortcut: ea
Export minimum row Adds a minimum row when used with export_csv_table.

Command-line name: command_line.export_min
Command-line shortcut: emin
Export maximum row Adds a maximum row when used with export_csv_table.

Command-line name: command_line.export_max
Command-line shortcut: emax
Export total row Adds a total row when used with export_csv_table.

Command-line name: command_line.export_total
Command-line shortcut: et
Output filename Exports a report to the specified filename when used with export_csv_table.

Command-line name: command_line.output_file
Command-line shortcut: of
Output format type The format of an exported report.

Command-line name: command_line.output_format_type
Command-line shortcut: oft
End of line Specifies the end of line marker in a CSV file.

Command-line name: command_line.end_of_line
Command-line shortcut: eol
SQL query The SQL query to run.

Command-line name: command_line.sql_query
Command-line shortcut: sq
Resolve SQL itemnums This specifies whether to resolve SQL itemnums when displaying the results of a command-line SQL query

Command-line name: command_line.resolve_sql_itemnums
Command-line shortcut: rsi
Parsing server hostname This the hostname to bind to, when running as a parsing server

Command-line name: command_line.parsing_server_hostname
Command-line shortcut: psh
Parsing server port This the port to bind to, when running as a parsing server

Command-line name: command_line.parsing_server_port
Command-line shortcut: psp


Option name Description
Never look up IP numbers using domain name server Whether to ever try to look up hostnames of IP-numbered hosts

Command-line name: preferences.miscellaneous.never_look_up_ip_numbers
Command-line shortcut: nluin
Only look up IP numbers for log entries Look up IP numbers only when they appear in logs, not for local server or remote browsing computer

Command-line name: preferences.miscellaneous.only_look_up_log_ip_numbers
Command-line shortcut: olulin
Logout URL The URL to go to on logout; if empty, goes to login screen

Command-line name: preferences.miscellaneous.logout_url
Command-line shortcut: lu
Temporary files lifespan Amount of time to keep temporary files before deleting them (in seconds)

Command-line name: preferences.miscellaneous.temporary_files_lifespan
Command-line shortcut: tfl
Language The language module to use to generate language-specific text

Command-line name: preferences.miscellaneous.language
Command-line shortcut: l
Charset The HTML charset to use when displaying pages

Command-line name: preferences.miscellaneous.charset
Command-line shortcut: c
Prompt for trial tier Whether to prompt for Professional/Enterprise switch during trial period

Command-line name: preferences.miscellaneous.prompt_for_trial_tier
Command-line shortcut: pftt
Enable feedback agent Whether to send information about devices analyzed to the Sawmill development team

Command-line name: preferences.miscellaneous.talkback
SMTP server The SMTP server to use to send email

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: ss
SMTP username The SMTP username to use to send email

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: su
SMTP password The SMTP password to use to send email

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: sp
Return address The default return address of an email message when sending a report by email from the command line

Command-line name:
Recipient address The default recipient address of an email message when sending a report by email from the command line

Command-line name:
Cc address The default carbon copy address of an email message when sending a report by email from the command line

Command-line name:
Bcc address The default blind carbon copy address of an email message when sending a report by email from the command line

Command-line name:
Report email subject The default email subject to use when sending a report by email from the command line

Command-line name:
Support email address The email address where bug and error reports should be sent

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: sema
Global actions email address The address(es) that Sawmill should send email to whenever an action completes; e.g., the database is built

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: gaea
Global actions return address The return address when email is send upon actions

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: gara
Use SMTPS Send email with transport layer security.

Command-line name:
Session timeout The number of seconds a Sawmill web session can be active before it is automatically logged out

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: sst
Show full operating system details in errors Show full operating system version details in the text of error messages

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: sfosdie
Authentication command line The command line to run to authenticate users

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: acl
Default permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating a file or directory (chmod-style)

Command-line name:
Database file permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating a file as part of a database

Command-line name:
Database directory permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating a directory as part of a database

Command-line name:
Profile file permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating a profile file

Command-line name:
Profile directory permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating a directory containing profile files

Command-line name:
Temporary profile file permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating a temporary profile file

Command-line name:
Default profile file permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating the default profile file

Command-line name:
Password file permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating the password file

Command-line name:
Image file permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating an image file

Command-line name:
Image directory permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating a directory containing image files

Command-line name:
Server directory permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating the server directory

Command-line name:
LogAnalysisInfo directory permissions The permissions Sawmill uses when creating the LogAnalysisInfo directory

Command-line name:
Show only the profiles matching REMOTE_USER Whether to show only the profiles whose names start with the value of REMOTE_USER

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: sorup
Administrative REMOTE_USER The value of REMOTE_USER which marks that user as administrator

Command-line name:
Command-line shortcut: aru
LDAP server hostname The hostname to be used for LDAP authentication (LDAP login plug-in required)

Command-line name:
LDAP administrator DN

Command-line name:
LDAP administrator password

Command-line name:
Use SSL for LDAP Whether to use SSL to encrypt connections to the LDAP server

Command-line name:
LDAP Users base DN The base DN to use for LDAP authentication

Command-line name:
LDAP Username attribute name The attribute (e.g., CN or sAMAccountName) containing the login username for LDAP

Command-line name:
Password expires True if passwords expire after a specific amount of time

Command-line name: preferences.password.password_expires
Days until password expiration The number of days before passwords expire

Command-line name: preferences.password.days_until_password_expiration
Minimum length The minimum number of characters in a password

Command-line name: preferences.password.minimum_length
Prevent use of previous passwords Whether to prevent a users' previous passwords from being reused by that user

Command-line name: preferences.password.prevent_use_of_previous_passwords
Number of previous passwords to check The number of passwords to check when looking for password reuse

Command-line name: preferences.password.number_of_previous_passwords_to_check
Require letter Whether to require a letter (alphabetic character) in passwords

Command-line name: preferences.password.requires_letter
Require mixed case Whether to require both uppercase and lowercase letters in passwords

Command-line name: preferences.password.requires_mixed_case
Require digit Whether to require a digit in passwords

Command-line name: preferences.password.requires_digit
Require symbol Whether to require a symbol in passwords

Command-line name: preferences.password.requires_symbol
Temporary directory A directory on the web server running Sawmill as a CGI program, from which images can be served

Command-line name: preferences.server.temporary_directory_pathname
Command-line shortcut: tdp
Temporary directory URL The URL of a directory on the web server running Sawmill as a CGI program, from which images can be served

Command-line name: preferences.server.temporary_directory_url
Command-line shortcut: tdu
Web server port The port to listen on as a web server

Command-line name: preferences.server.web_server_port
Command-line shortcut: wsp
Use HTTPS This option specifies whether the web server uses HTTPS

Command-line name: preferences.server.https
Command-line shortcut: hs
Maximum simultaneous connections Maximum number of simultaneous connections that Sawmill will accept on its web server

Command-line name: preferences.server.maximum_number_of_threads
Command-line shortcut: mnot
CGI directory The directory containing Sawmill, relative to the server root

Command-line name: preferences.server.cgi_directory
Command-line shortcut: cd
Web server IP address The IP address to run Sawmill's web server on

Command-line name: preferences.server.server_hostname
Command-line shortcut: sh
Maximum memory usage type The type of memory management to use

Command-line name: preferences.server.maximum_memory_usage_type
Maximum memory usage size The maximum memory to use, when custom memory management is used.

Command-line name: preferences.server.maximum_memory_usage_size

Profile Options

Option name Description
Automatically update database when older than Automatically update the database when the statistics are viewed and the database has not been updated in this many seconds

Command-line name: database.options.automatically_update_when_older_than
Command-line shortcut: auwot
Database server type

Command-line name: database.options.server.type
Hostname The hostname of the MySQL server.

Command-line name: database.options.server.hostname

Command-line name: database.options.server.dsn

Command-line name: database.options.server.password

Command-line name: database.options.server.username
Database name The name of the target SQL database where Sawmill will store the processed data.

Command-line name: database.options.server.database_name
SQL table name prefix A prefix to add to the beginning of every SQL table name

Command-line name: database.options.server.sql_table_name_prefix
SQL table name suffix A suffix to add to the end of every SQL table name

Command-line name: database.options.server.sql_table_name_suffix
Database directory The location of the internal database

Command-line name: database.options.server.database_directory
Command-line shortcut: dd
Server socket The socket file to use to access MySQL

Command-line name: database.options.server.server_socket
Bulk import method The method used to import data in bulk into databases

Command-line name: database.options.server.bulk_import_method
Command-line shortcut: bim
Load data directory The directory used to store files for loading into the database

Command-line name: database.options.server.load_data_directory
Load data directory on database server The directory used by the database server to read temporary files for loading into the database

Command-line name: database.options.server.load_data_directory_on_server
Method for splitting SSQL queries Specifies the method for splitting SSQL queries

Command-line name: database.tuning.split_queries.method
Command-line shortcut: sqm
Number of threads for splitting SSQL queries Specifies the number of threads for splitting SSQL queries

Command-line name: database.tuning.split_queries.number_of_threads
Command-line shortcut: not
Build all indices simultaneously Build all indices simultaneously after processing log data, for better performance

Command-line name: database.tuning.build_all_indices_simultaneously
Command-line shortcut: bais
Build all cross-reference tables simultaneously Build all cross-reference tables simultaneously after processing log data, for better performance

Command-line name: database.tuning.build_all_xref_tables_simultaneously
Command-line shortcut: baxts
Build indices during log processing Build indices on the fly while log data is read, rather than in a separate stage

Command-line name: database.tuning.build_indices_during_log_processing
Command-line shortcut: bidlp
Build cross-reference tables and indices simultaneously Build cross-reference tables and indices simultaneously after processing log data, for better performance

Command-line name: database.tuning.build_xref_tables_and_indices_simultaneously
Command-line shortcut: bxtais
Build cross-reference tables during log processing Build cross-reference tables on the fly while log data is read, rather than in a separate stage

Command-line name: database.tuning.build_xref_tables_during_log_processing
Command-line shortcut: bxtdlp
Build indices in threads Build indices in threads, and merge them at the end

Command-line name: database.tuning.build_indices_in_threads
Command-line shortcut: biit
Build indices in memory Build indices in memory, rather than using memory-mapped files on disk

Command-line name: database.tuning.build_indices_in_memory
Command-line shortcut: biim
Keep itemnums in memory Keep the itemnum tables in memory, rather than keeping them on disk

Command-line name: database.tuning.keep_itemnums_in_memory
Command-line shortcut: kiim
Segment cross-reference Tables Split large cross-reference tables into segments, to keep memory usage down, at a cost in performance

Command-line name: database.tuning.segment_xrefs
Command-line shortcut: sx
List cache size Maximum memory used by the list cache

Command-line name: database.tuning.list_cache_size
Command-line shortcut: lcs
Maximum xref segment size to merge Maximum size of a cross-reference table segment to merge; large segments will be copied

Command-line name: database.tuning.maximum_xref_segment_merge_size
Command-line shortcut: mxsms
Maximum caching buffer memory full load This specifies the maximum size of a file to be loaded fully into memory

Command-line name: database.tuning.maximum_paging_caching_buffer_full_load
Command-line shortcut: mpcbfl
Number of rows of data to load per block The number of rows of data to load in each block, when importing data into a database table

Command-line name: database.tuning.load_data_rows_per_block
Allow newlines inside quotes Allow newlines (return or line feed) inside quotes, in log lines

Command-line name: log.format.allow_newlines_inside_quotes
Command-line shortcut: aniq
Allow spaces in listed field values Allow spaces in listed field values, when using "collect listed" functions in log parsing filters

Command-line name: log.format.allow_spaces_in_listed_field_values
Command-line shortcut: asilfv
Apache log format description string A string which describes the log format, Apache-style

Command-line name: log.format.apache_description_string
Command-line shortcut: ads
Autodetect lines Number of lines to examine for this log format while auto-detecting

Command-line name: log.format.autodetect_lines
Command-line shortcut: al
Autodetect regular expression A regular expression used to auto-detect the log format

Command-line name: log.format.autodetect_regular_expression
Command-line shortcut: are
Autodetect expression An expression used to auto-detect the log format

Command-line name: log.format.autodetect_expression
Command-line shortcut: ae
Blue Coat log format description string A string which describes the log format, Blue Coat style

Command-line name: log.format.blue_coat_description_string
Command-line shortcut: bcds
Collected entry lifespan Number of lines of log data a collected entry may be idle before it is cleaned from memory.

Command-line name: log.format.collected_entry_lifespan
Command-line shortcut: cel
Format is Common Log Format Log format is similar to Common Log Format

Command-line name: log.format.common_log_format
Command-line shortcut: clf
Discard expired entries Whether to discard collected log entries when they reach the end of their lifespan

Command-line name: log.format.discard_expired_entries
Command-line shortcut: dee
Log field separator The character or string that separates one log field from the next

Command-line name: log.format.field_separator
Command-line shortcut: fs
Date format Format of dates in the log data

Command-line name: log.format.date_format
Command-line shortcut: ldf
Log data format The format of the log data

Command-line name: log.format.format_label
Command-line shortcut: fl
Global date regular expression A regular expression which, if matched in the log data, determines the date for all subsequent entries

Command-line name: log.format.global_date_regular_expression
Command-line shortcut: gdre
Global date filename regular expression A regular expression which, if matched in the log filename, determines the date for all entries in that log file

Command-line name: log.format.global_date_filename_regular_expression
Command-line shortcut: gdfre
Ignore format lines Ignore format lines in the log data

Command-line name: log.format.ignore_format_lines
Command-line shortcut: ifl
Ignore newlines after log line regexp Ignored newlines characters when this regular expression matches a line of log data; i.e., join the next line to the current line

Command-line name: log.format.ignore_newlines_after_log_line_regexp
Command-line shortcut: inallre
Ignore quotes Ignore quotes in log data

Command-line name: log.format.ignore_quotes
Command-line shortcut: iq
Parse log only with log parsing filters Use only the parsing filters to parse the log (and not the log format regexp, index/subindex, etc.)

Command-line name: log.format.parse_only_with_filters
Command-line shortcut: powf
Log data format regular expression A regular expression describing the log format

Command-line name: log.format.parsing_regular_expression
Command-line shortcut: pre
Time format Format of times in the log data

Command-line name: log.format.time_format
Command-line shortcut: ltf
Treat square brackets as quotes Treat square brackets as quotes

Command-line name: log.format.treat_brackets_as_quotes
Command-line shortcut: tbaq
Treat apostrophes (') as quotes Treat apostrophes (') as quotes

Command-line name: log.format.treat_apostrophes_as_quotes
Command-line shortcut: taaq
Warn on log source errors True if Sawmill should warn on log source errors, rather than terminating the build or update with an error

Command-line name: log.processing.allow_empty_log_source
Command-line shortcut: aels
Date offset The number of hours to add to each date in the log file

Command-line name: log.processing.date_offset
Command-line shortcut: do
Default log date year The year to use, e.g., 2004, if the date format in the log data has no year information

Command-line name: log.processing.default_log_date_year
Command-line shortcut:
Look up location with GeoIP Look up geographic locations, from IP addresses, with GeoIP database

Command-line name: log.processing.look_up_location_with_geoip
Command-line shortcut:
Log reading block size Size in bytes of the blocks which are read from the log

Command-line name: log.processing.read_block_size
Command-line shortcut: rbs
Maximum log reading block size Size in bytes of the maximum size of blocks which are read from the log

Command-line name: log.processing.maximum_read_block_size
Command-line shortcut: mrbs
Parsing server distribution method Method for connecting to and/or spawning parsing servers

Command-line name: log.processing.distributed.method
Command-line shortcut: psdm
Parsing server starting port Starting port to use for parsing server

Command-line name: log.processing.distributed.starting_port_auto
Command-line shortcut: spa
Number of local parsing servers The number of local parsing servers to start

Command-line name: log.processing.distributed.number_of_servers
Command-line shortcut: nos
Distribute log data to parsing servers file-by-file Whether to distribute log data to parsing servers one file at a time

Command-line name: log.processing.distributed.file_by_file
Command-line shortcut: fbf
Skip previously seen data on update (using data checksums) Skip data which has already been imported into the database (judging by a checksum of the data), during a database update operation

Command-line name: log.processing.skip_previously_seen_data_on_update
Command-line shortcut: spsdou
Skip most recent file Whether to skip the most recent log file in the log source, or process it

Command-line name: log.processing.skip_most_recent_file
Command-line shortcut: smrf
Skip processed files on update (by pathname) Skip files which have already been processed (judging by their pathnames) during a database update or add operation

Command-line name: log.processing.skip_processed_filenames_on_update
Command-line shortcut: spfod
Skip file expression An expression which is evaluated to determine whether to skip a particular file in the log source

Command-line name: log.processing.skip_file_expression
Ignore regular expression for skip checksum When checksumming log data for skipping, ignore anything matching this regular expression

Command-line name: log.processing.ignore_regexp_for_skip_checksum
Command-line shortcut: irfsc
Thread data block size The size of data chunks to feed to log processing threads, during a multiprocessor build or update

Command-line name: log.processing.thread_data_block_size
Command-line shortcut: tdbs
Log processing threads The number of simultaneous threads to use to process log data

Command-line name: log.processing.threads
Command-line shortcut: lpt
Convert log data charset Whether to convert log data into a different charset while processing it

Command-line name: log.processing.convert_log_data_charset
Command-line shortcut: cldc
Convert log data from charset The charset to convert from, when converting input log data

Command-line name: log.processing.convert_log_data_from_charset
Command-line shortcut: cldfc
Convert log data to charset The charset to convert to, when converting input log data

Command-line name: log.processing.convert_log_data_to_charset
Command-line shortcut: cldtc
Output field delimiter The delimiter that's used between fields when using the "process logs" action

Command-line name: log.processing.output.field_delimiter
Command-line shortcut: fd
Suppress output header Whether to suppress the field names header in "process logs" output

Command-line name: log.processing.output.suppress_output_header
Command-line shortcut: soh
Output date/time format The format of date/time values in "process logs" output

Command-line name: log.processing.output.output_date_time_format
Command-line shortcut: odtf
Empty output value The value to output for an empty field in "process logs" output

Command-line name: log.processing.output.empty_output_value
Command-line shortcut: eov
Actions email address(es) The address(es) that Sawmill should send email to whenever an action completes; e.g., the database is built. This option overrides Global actions email address.

Command-line name: network.actions_email_address
Command-line shortcut: aea
Actions return address The return address when email is send upon actions. This option overrides Global actions return address.

Command-line name: network.actions_return_address
Command-line shortcut: ara
DNS server The hostname or IP address of the DNS server to use to look up IP addresses in the log data

Command-line name: network.dns_server
Command-line shortcut: ds
DNS timeout Amount of time to wait for DNS response before timing out

Command-line name: network.dns_timeout
Command-line shortcut: dt
Look up IP numbers using domain nameserver (DNS) Whether to look up IP numbers using a domain nameserver (DNS), to try to compute their hostnames

Command-line name: network.look_up_ip_numbers
Command-line shortcut: luin
Look up IP numbers before filtering Whether to look up IP numbers before filtering (rather than after).

Command-line name: network.look_up_ip_numbers_before_filtering
Command-line shortcut: luinbf
Maximum simultaneous DNS lookups The maximum number of IP addresses that Sawmill will attempt to lookup at the same time

Command-line name: network.maximum_simultaneous_dns_lookups
Command-line shortcut: msdl
Running Sawmill URL The URL of a running version of Sawmill, used to insert live links into HTML email

Command-line name: network.running_statistics_url
Command-line shortcut: rsu
Secondary DNS server The hostname or IP address of the DNS server to use to look up IP addresses in the log data, if the primary DNS server fails

Command-line name: network.secondary_dns_server
Command-line shortcut: sds
Use TCP to communicate with DNS servers True if Sawmill should use TCP (rather than the more standard UDP) to communicate with DNS servers

Command-line name: network.use_tcp_for_dns
Command-line shortcut: utfd
Number of seconds between progress pages The number of seconds between progress pages

Command-line name: output.progress_page_interval
Use base 10 for byte displays Use base 10 (multiples of 1000, e.g., megabytes) for byte displays, rather than base 2 (multiples of 1024, e.g., mebibytes)

Command-line name: output.use_base_ten_for_byte_display
Command-line shortcut: ubtfbd
Convert export charset Whether to perform charset conversion when exporting CSV data

Command-line name: output.convert_export_charset
Command-line shortcut: cec
Convert export from charset The charset to convert from, when converting a final exported CSV file

Command-line name: output.convert_export_from_charset
Command-line shortcut: cefc
Convert export to charset The charset to convert to, when converting a final exported CSV file

Command-line name: output.convert_export_to_charset
Command-line shortcut: cetc
Allow viewers to rebuild/update database Allow all statistics viewers to rebuild/update the database

Command-line name: security.allow_viewers_to_rebuild
Command-line shortcut: avtr
Cache reports True if reports should be cached for faster repeat display

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.cache_reports
Command-line shortcut: cr
Log entry name The word to use to describe a log entry

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.entry_name
Command-line shortcut: en
First weekday The first weekday of the week (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ...)

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.first_weekday
Command-line shortcut: fw
Hidden views URL The URL to link view buttons to when the views are not visible

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.hidden_views_url
Command-line shortcut: hvu
Marked weekday The weekday which appears marked in calendar months displays (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, ...)

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.marked_weekday
Command-line shortcut: mw
Footer text HTML code to place at the bottom of statistics pages

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.page_footer
Command-line shortcut: pf
Footer file An HTML file whose contents go at the bottom of statistics pages

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.page_footer_file
Command-line shortcut: pff
Header text HTML code to place at the top of the statistics pages

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.page_header
Command-line shortcut: ph
Header file An HTML file whose contents go at the top of the statistics pages

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.page_header_file
Command-line shortcut: phf
Page frame command A command which is executed to generate HTML to frame Sawmill's statistics

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.page_frame_command
Command-line shortcut: pfc
Show page links Shows table items which start with "http://" as a link.

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.show_http_link
Command-line shortcut: shl
Root URL of log data server The root URL of the server being analyzed

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.server_root
Command-line shortcut: sr
User agent for email Specifies the target user agent when sending emails.

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.user_agent_for_emails
Command-line shortcut: uafe
User agent for report files Specifies the target user agent when generating report files.

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.user_agent_for_files
Command-line shortcut: uaff
CSV delimiter The delimiter to use between fields in a CSV export

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.csv_delimiter
Command-line shortcut: cds
Use Overview for totals True if Overview numbers should be used for total rows

Command-line name: statistics.miscellaneous.use_overview_for_totals
Command-line shortcut: uoft
Maximum continuous text length Specifies the maximum number of characters per table item per line.

Command-line name: statistics.sizes.table_cell.maximum_continuous_text_length
Command-line shortcut: mctl
Maximum continuous text length offset Specifies the minimum number of characters to break the last table item line.

Command-line name: statistics.sizes.table_cell.maximum_continuous_text_length_offset
Command-line shortcut: mctlo
Maximum text length Specifies the maximum number of characters per table item.

Command-line name: statistics.sizes.table_cell.maximum_text_length
Command-line shortcut: mtl