How to Start Using Snapons

How to Get Started with Snapons

Snapons are objects that can be attached to a profile to modify or edit that profile. They can also be detached from a profile. They automatically add specific profile features when they are snapped on, and remove them when they are snapped off. Think of them as shortcuts to changing a profile, without having to go through a lengthy configuration process.

For instance, a snapon could be used to implement a KPI like session events >3.

Snapons are convenience features, because they automatically perform profile edits that would otherwise be tedious and time consuming. A sessions events >3 snapon might do the following when attached:


  • A database field, session_events_greater_than_3
  • A database filter to compute and set the value of the session_events_greater_than_3 database field
  • A report field, session_events_greater_than_3
  • The session_events_greater_than_3 field to all xref tables
  • The session_events_greater_than_3 report field to all report elements
  • Furthermore, when detached, the snapon would undo all of the above, removing the database field, and database filter and removing the field from all xrefs and report elements.

    Snapons also work on existing databases without requiring a rebuild. When a snapon is attached it is not necessary to rebuild the database, because the database fields are added dynamically to the main table, and the database filters are run automatically to compute the values of the new fields. Similarly, when a snapon is detached, the database fields are automatically removed from the existing main table. Modifications to xref tables cause the tables to be dropped and marked for rebuild when they are not next used.

    A few notes about snapons:

    1. Only one snapon can be attached or detached at any given time.

    2. In order to attach or detach a snapon, the database must be idle. That means that no active update or database builds are done at the same time. If the database is updating or building, it will show a message that the attach or detach operation is not possible.

    3. Some snapons require custom inputs. In this case, a popup window will appear for data input by the user before the snapon becomes attached.

    4. During the attach and detach process, you will see an alert. During short operations, you will see "Attaching or detaching snapon, please wait." During longer operations, you will see a progress bar on the page and also on the Config Home page.

    5. Please note that some profiles will automatically have a sessions snapon included. So when you first go to snapons and see the list of available snapons, you will have the snapon for Sessions already attached. This is especially true for web server profiles.

    Once you have installed Sawmill and done your first build, then you can start using snapons:

  • Create your new profile
  • Go to the "View Config" menu
  • Build the Database
  • Select Snapons in the Profile menu
  • See a table with available snapons and attached snapons showing 3 snapons: double_hits, internal_optimize, sessions.