File/Directory Permissions

Sawmill lets you control very precisely the permissions on the files and directories it creates. This is particularly useful on multi-user environments, where file permissions are a fundamental part of file system security.

You can set permissions independently for a number of categories of files and directories Sawmill creates.

For each category, you can specify the value of the permissions number. The permissions number is a three-digit octal (base-8) number, as accepted by the UNIX chmod command. The first digit controls the permissions for the user running Sawmill, the second digit controls the permissions for the group of the user running Sawmill, and the third digit controls the permissions for all other users. Each digit is the sum of: 4, if read permission should be granted; 2, for write permissions; and 1, for execute or directory search permission. These values can be added in any combination to provide any combination of permissions. For example, to grant only read permission, use a 4. To grant both read and write permission, use the sum of 4 and 2, or 6. To grant read and execute permission, use the sum of 4 and 1, or 5. You should give execute permissions for directories if you want users to be able to view their contents.

A complete example of a permissions option value: 754 gives the Sawmill user read, write, and execute permission, gives the group read and execute permission, and gives all other users read permission.

See Security for more information on Sawmill's security features.