
Sawmill's price structure is as follows (see notes below):
License |
Part Number
Part Number
Part Number
(one installation; one profile)
US$ 99
US$ 199
US$ 599
(one installation; up to 5 profiles)
US$ 199
US$ 499
US$ 1,499
(one installation; up to 10 profiles)
US$ 799
US$ 2,399
(one installation; up to 25 profiles)
US$ 1,499
US$ 4,499
(one installation; up to 50 profiles)
US$ 1,999
US$ 5,599
(one installation; up to 75 profiles)
US$ 2,599
US$ 8,000
(one installation; up to 100 profiles)
US$ 3,199
US$ 9,500
(one installation; up to 1000 profiles)
US$ 5,999
US$ 12,999
(one installation; unlimited profiles)
US$ 35,000
Premium Support (including free major upgrades)
25% of list license price ($200 minimum), annually. Multiple year discount available.
Add -PS to end of license part number, e.g., SE50P-PS
Basic Support
10% of list license price ($80 minimum), annually. Multiple year discount available.
Add -BS to end of license part number, e.g., SE50P-BS
Individual Support
Per Incident or Free (see Support Programs for a description of these programs.)
Professional Services
See note below.
US $300 per hour
Sawmill Profiles: A profile is a set of statistics created using the Create New Profile command in Sawmill. A single analysis of a single log dataset is usually a single profile, but if you need multiple simultaneous analyses of the same data, you may need multiple profiles. In an ISP setting, each client typically has their own profile. In other settings, there is usually one profile per dataset.
Professional Services: This is any custom work or development beyond the scope of normal support. It could include creating custom plug-ins, tuning plug-ins to provide custom reports, or log filters, or report filters, changing the look-and-feel, or anything else you need. Sawmill is extraordinarily flexible and customizable, but it takes time to learn everything you need to know to customize it; we can do it for you immediately, saving you time and getting your Sawmill-based solution up and running as quickly as possible. See Professional Services for a full description.
Sawmill Features: Sawmill Enterprise has all the features of Sawmill Professional; plus support for MySQL as a back-end database; support for multiprocessor database builds; and support for editing of the web interface templates, for a fully customizable web interface. Sawmill Professional has all the features of Sawmill Lite, plus a number of profile editing features, and a more advanced Create Profile wizard. See The Sawmill Edition Matrix for complete details.
Running Sawmill on Multiple Computers: Licenses are for a single installation of Sawmill — to run Sawmill simultaneously on multiple computers, you must purchase multiple licenses. However, an installation of Sawmill is accessible by any number of users. If you wish to cluster Sawmill to take advantage of its ability to distribute multiple parsing servers across multiple cores and multiple machines, contact us and we can arrange a discount on licenses for this configuration.
Multiple Platform Support: When you purchase Sawmill, you get it for all supported platforms at no additional charge. This means that you can move it from one server to another of a different platform without purchasing a new license. However, as mentioned in the previous point, you cannot use the same license simultaneously on multiple computers.
Discounts: Educational institutions, government agencies and non-profit organizations can purchase it at a 20% discount (e.g., they can buy a $599 license for $479.20). To place an online order with a discount, please order in the store, and enter the appropriate discount code (listed at the bottom of the order page).
Sawmill Upgrades: All licenses are perpetual — there are no fees beyond the initial purchase. Maintenance (bug-fix) and minor (small feature) upgrades are free. The cost of major upgrades depends on the complexity and number of new features. An upgrade from an older version of Sawmill to a newer MAJOR version of Sawmill is 50% of the new major version license price for existing customers with an older major version license.
License Upgrades: An existing license can be upgraded to a larger license for the difference in retail license prices, plus a US$ 25 administrative fee. For instance, a 5-profile Professional license can be upgraded to a 25-profile Professional license for US$ 1,199 - US$ 399 + US $25, or US $825.
Technical Support:
- Individual Support: All licenses include Individual Support. Individual Support provides access to the Support Forum and email support and the option to pay for higher priority phone support on a Per Incident basis.
- Basic Support: With an annual fee, Basic Support requests have priority over Individual Support requests. This program includes a dedicated email address and phone support with an escalated priority for responses. With an active Basic support contract, updates and upgrades, except major versions, are at no additional licensing cost. Our Support Programs pages provides a table with an overview of these programs..
- Premium Support: With an annual fee, Premium Support provides all the features of Basic Support, with the additional benefits of free major release upgrades, a faster response time and prearranged off hours support. For a complete description of Premium Support, see the Sawmill Premium Support Program documentation.
Supplement to Technical Support: Support needs which are outside of the scope of technical support may require Professional Services. This will be determined by your experience with Sawmill and the amount of time you will need to be successful. This will be evaluated by our support team if it becomes necessary.
Multiple Year Discount: Purchasing multiple years of Premium or Basic Support at the same time gives you a 10% discount per year beginning with the second year, for up to five years. For details, see our Support Programs page.
If you have questions about the licensing scheme, or if you feel that the scheme
or the prices are inappropriate in your case, please contact us at
sales@sawmill.net; we're flexible.