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Sawmill Sawmill


Sawmill is a powerful hierarchical log analysis tool that runs on every major platform.


Sawmill LITE presents your data faster than any other log file analysis solution. It removes many of the configuration options available in the Sawmill PROFESSIONAL or Sawmill ENTERPRISE editions and in their place substitutes a default (popular) configuration giving you access to the data you need right away and with the minimum of fuss. New users of statistical reporting tools will find this particularly helpful, as will anyone who places a high value on simplicity of operation. When you are ready to take the next step to a more configurable or more powerful product, or simply to add more profiles, then you will appreciate the ease of a Sawmill upgrade. Adding profiles or moving up to the next product is as simple as purchasing a new key, with ‘profile’ compatibility throughout the range of Sawmill solutions.
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Sawmill PROFESSIONAL is very definitely the professional's choice, designed with all the configurability and power you will need to generate and tailor your reports to meet both your, and your users, requirements. Using Sawmill PROFESSIONAL Edition you can automate repetitive functions like updating the databases, sending out key reports to the right people each month and generating the heavily used static reports for all your users. When you are ready to add more profiles, or move up to the ENTERPRISE Edition you will appreciate the simplicity of a Sawmill upgrade. Adding profiles or moving up to the next product is as easy as purchasing a new key, with ‘profile’ compatibility throughout the range of Sawmill solutions.
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Sawmill ENTERPRISE brings all the features of Sawmill PROFESSIONAL and adds improved scalability, extreme customization functionality, and support for MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, and Role-based Authentication Control (RBAC). Designed for processing very large datasets, it outperforms Sawmill PROFESSIONAL on both log import and report generation, when run on a fast multiprocessor server. Sawmill ENTERPRISE integrates easily into an existing enterprise environment, connecting to an high-end database server, and providing a flexible hierarchy of permissions for Sawmill users. The Sawmill scripting language (Salang) also offers the ENTERPRISE user the ability to customize the complete user interface (Administration and Report interfaces) and add or modify many of the reporting functions in order to customize or personalize the product or to add specialized functions.
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Look at the version history to see a list of the features added and bugs fixed in each major and minor release of Sawmill 8.

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