Sawmill is a Oracle Java Administration MBEAN log analyzer (it also supports the 1021 other log formats listed to the left).
It can process log files
in Oracle Java Administration MBEAN format, and generate dynamic statistics from them,
analyzing and reporting events.
Sawmill can parse Oracle Java Administration MBEAN logs, import them into a MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle database (or its own built-in database),
aggregate them, and generate dynamically filtered reports, all through a web interface.
Sawmill can perform Oracle Java Administration MBEAN log analysis on any platform, including Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS, Solaris, other UNIX, and others.
Sawmill stores the following non-numerical fields in its database for Oracle Java Administration MBEAN, generates reports for each field, and allows dynamic filtering on any combination of these fields:
Sawmill stores the following numerical fields in its database for Oracle Java Administration MBEAN, aggregating them and including them as columns in most reports:
| Numerical Field | | Internal Name |
| events | | events |
| max capacity | | MaxCapacity |
| current capacity | | CurrCapacity |
| connections total count | | ConnectionsTotalCount |
| active connection current count | | ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount |
| active connections high count | | ActiveConnectionsHighCount |
| leaked connection count | | LeakedConnectionCount |
| highest num available | | HighestNumAvailable |
| num available | | NumAvailable |
| connection delay time | | ConnectionDelayTime |
| execute thread current idle count | | ExecuteThreadCurrentIdleCount |
| pending request current count | | PendingRequestCurrentCount |
| old pending request | | PendingRequestOld |
| serviced request total count | | ServicedRequestTotalCount |
| wait seconds high count | | WaitSecondsHighCount |
| statement profile count | | StatementProfileCount |
| prepared statement cache hit count | | PrepStmtCacheHitCount |
| connection leak profile count | | ConnectionLeakProfileCount |
| waiting for connection current count | | WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount |
| active connections average count | | ActiveConnectionsAverageCount |
| execute thread total count | | ExecuteThreadTotalCount |
| prepared statement cache miss count | | PrepStmtCacheMissCount |
| waiting for connection high count | | WaitingForConnectionHighCount |
| prepared statement cache profile count | | PreparedStatementCacheProfileCount |
| failure to reconnect count | | FailuresToReconnectCount |
| highest num unavailable | | HighestNumUnavailable |
| num unavailable | | NumUnavailable |
| deployment state | | DeploymentState |
| destination | | Destination |
| access total count | | AccessTotalCount |
| active transactions total count | | ActiveTransactionsTotalCount |
| beans in use count | | BeansInUseCount |
| beans in use current count | | BeansInUseCurrentCount |
| bytes current count | | BytesCurrentCount |
| bytes high count | | BytesHighCount |
| bytes pending count | | BytesPendingCount |
| bytes received count | | BytesReceivedCount |
| bytes sent count | | BytesSentCount |
| bytes threshold count | | BytesThresholdTime |
| connections current count | | ConnectionsCurrentCount |
| connections high count | | ConnectionsHighCount |
| consumers current count | | ConsumersCurrentCount |
| consumers high count | | ConsumersHighCount |
| consumers total count | | ConsumersTotalCount |
| destinations current count | | DestinationsCurrentCount |
| destinations high count | | DestinationsHighCount |
| destinations total count | | DestinationsTotalCount |
| destroyed total count | | DestroyedTotalCount |
| idle beans count | | IdleBeansCount |
| initial recovered transaction total count | | InitialRecoveredTransactionTotalCount |
| JMS servers current count | | JMSServersCurrentCount |
| JMS servers high count | | JMSServersHighCount |
| JSM servers total count | | JMSServersTotalCount |
| messages current count | | MessagesCurrentCount |
| messages high count | | MessagesHighCount |
| messages pending count | | MessagesPendingCount |
| messages received count | | MessagesReceivedCount |
| messages sent count | | MessagesSentCount |
| messages threshold time | | MessagesThresholdTime |
| miss total count | | MissTotalCount |
| pending request oldest time | | PendingRequestOldestTime |
| pooled beans current count | | PooledBeansCurrentCount |
| producers current count | | ProducersCurrentCount |
| producers high count | | ProducersHighCount |
| producers total count | | ProducersTotalCount |
| recovered transactions completion percent | | RecoveredTransactionCompletionPercent |
| seconds active total count | | SecondsActiveTotalCount |
| session pools current count | | SessionPoolsCurrentCount |
| session pools high count | | SessionPoolsHighCount |
| session pools total count | | SessionPoolsTotalCount |
| sessions current count | | SessionsCurrentCount |
| sessions high count | | SessionsHighCount |
| sessions total count | | SessionsTotalCount |
| timeout total count | | TimeoutTotalCount |
| transacted | | Transacted |
| transaction abandoned total count | | TransactionAbandonedTotalCount |
| transaction committed total count | | TransactionCommittedTotalCount |
| transaction heuristics total count | | TransactionHeuristicsTotalCount |
| transaction rolled back app total count | | TransactionRolledBackAppTotalCount |
| transaction rolled back resource total count | | TransactionRolledBackResourceTotalCount |
| transaction reolled back system total count | | TransactionRolledBackSystemTotalCount |
| transaction rolled back timeout total count | | TransactionRolledBackTimeoutTotalCount |
| transaction rolled back total count | | TransactionRolledBackTotalCount |
| transaction total count | | TransactionTotalCount |
| transactions committed total count | | TransactionsCommittedTotalCount |
| transactions rolled back total count | | TransactionsRolledBackTotalCount |
| transactions timed out total count | | TransactionsTimedOutTotalCount |
| waiter current count | | WaiterCurrentCount |
| waiter total count | | WaiterTotalCount |
| connection pool count | | ConnectionPoolCount |
| JSP page check secs | | JSPPageCheckSecs |
| open sessions current count | | OpenSessionsCurrentCount |
| open sessions high count | | OpenSessionsHighCount |
| servlet reload check secs | | ServletReloadCheckSecs |
| session cookie max age secs | | SessionCookieMaxAgeSecs |
| session ID length | | SessionIDLength |
| session invalidation interval secs | | SessionInvalidationIntervalSecs |
| session monitoring enabled | | SessionMonitoringEnabled |
| session timeout secs | | SessionTimeoutSecs |
| session opened total count | | SessionsOpenedTotalCount |
| single threaded servlet pool size | | SingleThreadedServletPoolSize |